On this page, you will find the most common questions about our products and the merger.


What will happen to my currently published projects?

They will remain at the same links as before.

What will happen to my ongoing projects?

Your current projects will continue as before, we will still offer the same products and have the same production team.

Who do I contact for questions about the merger?

Contact mattias.corswant@locka.com for general questions, leon.radley@locka.com for system and platform related questions, or bjorn.unger@locka.com for production related questions.


What will happen to my active projects?

Your active projects will continue as before, with the same production team.

What will happen to my Sightline Unit Finder?

Your Sightline Unit Finders will remain active as before.

Will I be able to purchase Sightline Unit Finders for new projects?

No, from now on Locka's Unit Finders will be used instead.

What will happen to my Neo4 projects?

Your Neo4 projects will remain active as before.

Will invoices be affected?

Invoices pertaining to services previously purchased from Sightline will be distributed by we.c.360 AB. New invoices affected by this change will be clearly marked with information, and invoices previously distributed from Sighline Vision AB are not affected. For customer-specific matters, please contact invoice@locka.com.


Will anything change in my agreement with Libitum?

Existing agreements will not change in any way. The legal entity, Libitum Sverige AB, will remain and be responsible for all agreements entered into, just as before.

Where do I turn for help or questions?

If you have questions or problems with what were previously Libitum's products, please contact support@locka.com or if it is business-related questions, directly to your sales representative. Warm welcome, we are happy to tell you more about how the Locka merger can help you!

Does Locka make any difference for our customers/homebuyers?

No, the merger to Locka does not make any difference for your homebuyers today. It is the same appearance and login procedure. In the longer term, however, we will be able to integrate the products into an even more solid platform.

Is there anything that will be better for me with Libitum now under Locka?

Yes! We have gained completely different muscles with our new colleagues to help in the earlier stages such as images, interactive models, 360 views, apartment selectors, and marketing platform with clear dashboards for insights and a tool for automated ad generation. In addition, as a Locka customer, you will have a smoother ordering journey now that we have everything under one roof.

Will Libitum products continue to be developed?

Yes, the products previously sold under the Libitum brand will continue to be developed, now with an even larger market presence. However, we will market them under the Locka brand.